I can't believe it's been more than a month since my last post, and that there's only 81 days before Christmas. So much has happened in the past weeks and I don't know where to begin. Right now, I am just so giddy that my laptop is cooperating and there's strong clear signal from the neighbors. Hahaha.
Another reason to be giddy (or not) is that I'm in the Top 10 of the Scrappin' Moms Idol contest. Man, you can't believe the stress I went through week after week just to be able to submit a layout. And I don't mean creating the LO, but wondering whether I would be able to submit it in time, if at all. My technological problems didn't stop at DH's busted laptop, it extended to mine, and then to the internet connection at home, and don't ask me about the cellphone which he conveniently ran over with his car. LOL.
The stories I can tell you...if my battery doesn't ran out soon. I'd plug my laptop in, but I am actually sitting in my MIL's porch. On a big rock. I can actually feel moisture seeping in my butt. OK, try to stop the imagery. Sorry about that. But when time is of the essence, editing flies out the window.
But anyway, I'd like to thank everyone who left messages here, in my mobile, e-mail. Yes, I'm still alive, thanks for checking if I was well. I haven't been able to check the PS e-group for weeks. I'm sure my inbox is full to the brim and Cookie tells me I missed some great sales. That's ok, it's not I have money to spend anyway. Hahaha. Did I mention I was giddy?
It's actually DH and my 11th wedding anniversary today. I'm thinking of making an LO called "Once." Or Once, the Spanish word for eleven. Could also mean the Filipino vernacular "onse" as in na-onse niya ako 11 years ago. (He tricked me eleven years ago.) LOL. DH is not yet here, he took over Napoleon Abueva's class in Fine Arts while Tito Billy is recuperating from his stroke. Now that is truly an honor, and he won't let me hear the end of it.
Last year I posted some behind the scenes stories about our weddings. (Yes, with an s.) I had fun reminiscing, you might want to join me in relieving the comedy...errr...the romance. Click here , here, and here. Even with such inauspicious beginnings, I can truthfully say we are still going strong. Thank, God.
My DH might not be overly sweet or publicly demonstrative but he has his moments. Last night, as I prepared to go to bed, he came in and said in a complaining voice. "Your laptop has a virus." I go, what? What did you do? I just updated the virus program. Nag...nag...nag...And then he tells me, "I don't know. An image popped out and it got stuck there." I stood up reluctantly. It is after all, my laptop and I have to do damage control, and I saw this.
Now isn't that sweet? We (the whole family) were in an internet cafe that night and he knew I was on tenterhooks waiting for the announcement to be posted. When we arrived back in his studio, he turned on the laptop and searched for this. Thank God for the neighbor's 24-hour free wi-fi, I was able to see this before I went to bed.
I was sad though that Diane didn't make it to the Top 10. She and Cookie have been very helpful in texting me daily updates about the challenges since I couldn't always go online. They were my lifelines and support through this challenge.
But everyone did a great job. So congratulations to the original 27 and good luck to all those who made it to the finals.
Congrats and good luck Lee! I'll be rooting for you! Your DH is so sweet naman... =D
happy "onsehan" anniversary!!! i can always count on you to be a funny, entertaining read despite the conking laptop. hahaha...
congratulations as well on making it to the top 10! yey! it will be great watching you go up again with the best! we now have good reason to be there as your cheerers!
see you soon!
Congrats Lee for making it to the top 10! Exciting anu! Wish I can be there. Anyway, belated Happy Anniversary to you and your sweet DH. Cguro ganyan talaga yung mga hindi showy anu? They have their own way of surprising you (just like my bossing!).
Thanks for the msg also. Nice to see you posting again. :)
congrats on idol, lee! have fun this saturday and enjoy the nakakataas BP'ng (blood pressure) ride :D
hey, na-onsehan ka man, ang sarap naman ng pagsasama :) happy anniv!
Happy anniv Lee! The story of your weddingS is still very fresh in my mind and it never fails to make me smile. I said it then and I'll say it again, if you survived the weddings, I believe you'll survive anything.
Congrats for making it to the finals. See you on Saturday. I will bring lots of Ibuprofen. Maybe a small bottle of ammonia, too, in case I or someone else faints. :D
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