Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Resolved, As It Is Hereby Resolved

I don’t do New Year’s Resolutions. Sadly, it brings back a time in elementary school when my Language teachers demanded that I write “My New Year’s Resolutions” after every Christmas break. The exercise made me feel that in the previous year I wasn’t good enough and that I haven’t lived to the fullest potential they expected from me.

So when our Scrapbytes Editor in Chief, Ria Mojica, asked me to write an article about this, I felt like I was transported back to the past. Sure, Ria is prettier than my grade school teacher, but still...

I guess I have to resign myself to the fact that essays on “My New Year’s Resolutions” are popular every new year. It ranks second to “What I Did During My Summer Vacation.” (I am saying the latter is more popular because it spawned a lot of movies starring Jennifer Love Hewitt. No one has ever made a movie about anyone’s New Year’s resolutions, I think.)

Anyway, as I was writing the article, my fingers flying over the keyboard, many things were revealed to me. Those of your who read my blog know that recently, I have been over-analysing how I scrap. LOL. Quite unexpectedly, my write-up helped me see a vision of myself as a scrapbooker.

So thank you, Ria, for this assignment.

And as for you, dear reader, please take time to visit the December 2007-January 2008 issue of Scrapbytes. I am sure you will pick up a new thing or two.


marjorie said...

hey lee! great article! well written and yes,i did pick-up a few things...congratulations!!!

Maybelle said...

Hi, Lee! Yes, we really do need to do this exercise to keep our focus on why we really scrap. Great article!

Christine said...

great read, Lee!! thanks for sharing!