I haven't scrapped much lately, specially since the KiDS are on their sem break. We've been spending most of our free time watching DVD movies, playing Scribbage, and baking. After more than a year, I finally used my oven again, making our favorite chocolate chip oatmeal cookies, brownies and revel bars. Nothing beats fresh from the oven cookies.
I also organized my pantry and I can't believe the number of cookbooks I have. Even if I don't really cook, I always love drooling over food photos and recipes. I have this undying hope that someday I will be able to whip up a gourmet meal like Julia Childs or Martha Stewart, without even breaking a sweat, vanilla-scented sweat at that. LOL.
In the scrapbooking front, the question burns - did I meet my 5 layout quota for the month?
Well, my layout for the Scrappin Moms Idol contest finale held last October 4, should count as one, right? And in between school meetings, visits to the hospital (too many family members and friends were ill this month), family time and planning for Halloween, I was able to come up with these.
I had to showcase the BG paper on this one. I love how it says "confused" right there. Just perfect for my grumpy little girl. Shhh...I promised her I won't share this LO in the internet. There's no telling what she'll do if she ever finds out, so beware.

I just remembered I used this same paper on another classic Sarah trait. She threw a tantrum over my sharing that layout, too.
Boy Eating Dinosaur
I was inspired by BG's Archaic line to scrap really old photos. These are of Diego at barely six months old. Wasn't he a cute bugger? My magazines tell me to scan the photos and print them out in different sizes so I can have a focal point, but that's just too expensive for me, money-wise and time-wise. I can't do that to all my photos which have been developed at 3x5. I have around 4 shoe boxes full of them.

My title was inspired by a weird act we once saw in a carnival. The sign outside the tent said boldly: Man Eating Chicken. We paid highly just to see a grubby man dressed in rags eating fried chicken. It's a good thing we got the joke, otherwise I would have demanded a refund.
In the Winx of an Eye
This here's my Kaya entry for October. You can check the details here.

Oh, dear, that's only four LOs, one LO short. But wait! I made my first ever gesso project.Would this do instead? " :-)

Diego dressed up as a zombie for their school's Halloween party. We weren't able to buy liquid latex to make the scars on his face so I used gesso, which I read in the internet, is liquid latex with chalk suspension. With some cotton balls, lots of gesso, and acrylic and face paints, I turned my son into one of the dead. All the while though I was trying to channel Bjay, an accomplished scrapbooker and face painter. My final product wasn't pretty, but who said the undead are? BTW, he won best costume in his class. So despite the setbacks, this mom is happy.
OMG! You're gesso project is so gross it has to be included in your 5 projects for the month!
I love how your Archaic papers matched the photos. Kahlo looks like young Diego in those pictures. Love also how you are able to take pictures of the KiDS with different expressions. and Gesso? who would have thunk??!
hi lee. u still are pretty productive. with those baked goodies too. :) you have to include your idols finale layout. :-D (and i love the first layout here, my kind of colors :-D)
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