Saturday, March 31, 2007
Sanjaya Rules
...his own universe, as Simon Cowell put it. At least somebody (Sanjaya) is having fun. Feeling super-nova na siya. Di ko alam kung maaaliw ako o maaawa. Hahaha.
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
My Sassy Girl
Finally got around to scrapping a series of Kahlo photos. Whenever I look at these, I am reminded of what a funny and smart girl Kahlo is. She is a regular commedienne - always making faces and saying the most outrageous things. Kahapon, makult na naman siya kaya pabiro siyang pinalo ng tatay niya sa puwet. Just a playful smack so she wasn't really hurt. Takbo siya palayo sa tatay niya habang sumisigaw ng "Fire in the butt! Fire in the butt!" Hay, naku. Ang batang ito talaga...
Anyway, started and finished this today, even watched Prison Break and Alias in between. Followed the 3BugsinaRug February/March sketch.

Title: My Sassy Girl
Journaling reads: Sometimes naughty, always sweet, forever loved
Materials Used: 3BIAR PPS - Groovy - Girl and Tickled Pink - Dream; DCWV CS; Scenic Route chipboard covered with MM glitters.
The Process: I used my Coluzzle circle and alphabet templates for the first time and enjoyed it very much. I should use them more often.
I also took the time to revise my Separation Anxiety LO. I changed the DCWV patterned paper using half the orange DCWV CS I used above. I think it's much easier on the eye. I only used the patterned paper before to meet the criteria for a challenge. I was never quite happy with it though. Don't you agree this is a better version?
Anyway, started and finished this today, even watched Prison Break and Alias in between. Followed the 3BugsinaRug February/March sketch.

Title: My Sassy Girl
Journaling reads: Sometimes naughty, always sweet, forever loved
Materials Used: 3BIAR PPS - Groovy - Girl and Tickled Pink - Dream; DCWV CS; Scenic Route chipboard covered with MM glitters.
The Process: I used my Coluzzle circle and alphabet templates for the first time and enjoyed it very much. I should use them more often.
I also took the time to revise my Separation Anxiety LO. I changed the DCWV patterned paper using half the orange DCWV CS I used above. I think it's much easier on the eye. I only used the patterned paper before to meet the criteria for a challenge. I was never quite happy with it though. Don't you agree this is a better version?

Monday, March 26, 2007
Don't Trivialize It

When Lala, Scrap Trivia's Quiz Master asked me to join the Scrapmeet 3 Trivia contest, I didn't hesitate. I have always liked playing games like Trivial Pursuit, Jeopardy and Cranium. Heck! I even tried my luck at Who Wants to be a Millionaire and Game KNB once. Besides, it's about time I put those times I spent reading scrapbook magazines and books to good use.
So I enlisted for the individual category and drafted Tin to partner with me in the team category amidst her protestations. I was confident she would make a good partner because a) she is a very good stamper and scrapbooker (if there are questions that had anything to do with techniques and actually doing something, she would be my secret weapon), 2) she also reads alot, with subscriptions to magazines I have never heard of, and 3) she was one of the smartest in our VIE class.
When they called the six individual category participants onto the stage, I set out to enjoy myself. It didn't matter whether I won or lost, the best part of any game is the playing. We were all given pens and paper where we could write our answers. Lala announced the official contest rules and the games began.
I have to hand it over to Donna. She really knows her scrapping stuff. In the end, we had to have a tie-breaker between us. It was a really really close fight.
I don't know how long the game was but I was feeling tired and drained by then, and there was still the Team Category to go through. Good thing Tin was fresh and ready. To be honest, I let her answer most of the questions, discussing only when we weren't sure of the answer. There was a round of charades and that was really funny. I dare you to act out dry embossing. Tin and I got embossing (I have no idea how) but got stumped on dry. She kept gesturing to her hair and I kept shouting, hair embossing, embossing hair. All the while I was thinking what does hair have to do with scrapbooking, except when you can't manage an LO and you want to tear your hair off? She was hoping I would get the word "dry" from her blow-DRYing her hair. Hah! O di ba mahirap? I don't know how the others got Basic Grey Notch and Die Tool and Eyelet Setter. They must be psychics.
Cabbie and Mitch won the Team Category round by a matter of two points. If Tin and I had only remembered who the founder of Simple Scrapbooks was (I even reviewed Stacy Julian's book, how could I have missed that), Erin Lincoln as the web hostess of CK (I remembered too late), and answered Making Memories Precision Paper Trimmer instead of Memory Makers Precision Trimmer to "the paper trimmer with the self-sharpening blade" (we got confused about the similar sounding names - I even added an S to Tin's Memory Maker) we would have had a shot at the championship. And to think that we had to persuade Cabbie and Mitch to join the contest at all. Hmmm...not very strategic on my part. Tin and I should have taken to heart one of our AIM professors' favorite mantra - KILL THE COMPETITION. But I have to admit that has no room in scrapbooking. We are all just too nice.
I got a trophy and several goodies for joining the contest. Not bad at all for an hour's work. From left to right: 1) Case of button embellies from Memory Box. My name was the very first drawn in the raffle. I'm not sure that was lucky. Who invented the rule that the best raffle prizes should be saved for last? I know, I should be thankful I got a prize at all when many didn't get anything. 2) Green SEI 8 1/2 x 11 album - my prize for the individual category. 3) Marriage overlay (P50.00 from Memory Box). 4) Daisy D's Kit - prize for team category. Tin also has a set. Courtesy of Memory Lane. 5) Three 12x12 vellum sheets from Memory Box (P70.00) 6) 3bugsinarugs tags, actually Tin's prize which she shared with me. 7) My Scrap Trivia Champion Trophy which Tin suggests I put it right beside my DH's art awards. Maybe I'll add it to my resume. Right after Ms. Science Fair (19-kopong-kopong). Hahaha.
Thank you everyone, to all the other contestants, the audience, the organizers, and especially to the Pinayscrapbookers. Truth to tell, many of the questions in the contest, we have discussed in the e-group. O, Nita, special mention ka na naman - thanks for lending me your books and magazines.
When I got home, DH was having dinner. I gingerly placed my Scrap Trivia Champion trophy on the table without saying a word. He peered at the words written on it, then he bowed his head in reverence (or so I thought), tears of joy came to his eyes (wish ko lang), his shoulders shook from trying to control his emotions. Then he burst out laughing. Hindi na nakapag-pigil! I laughed along with him. Our KiDS couldn't understand why we were lauging so hard, but they laughed along with us. Ahhh...another scrappable moment.
PS - my DH laughed, not because he thought my win was trivial. His first words to me were, "That still has nothing to do with actual scrapping..." He has been encouraging me to make layouts, you see. And he is right. In the end, it doesn't matter what you know. What matters is what you do.
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Scrapmeet 3
The scrap meets organized by are special to me. The very first scrap socials I ever attended was last year's Scrapmeet 2. Going backwards, the first locally-based scrapbooker I met was Lala Evangelista (great person, this Lala), also of myscrapworks. Really, I was led to their site by serendipity. I was geared for world domination reading Jessica Zafra's blog when I saw the link "Scrappin'." Now, anybody who knows Jessica knows she is not the scrapbooking type. So I thought, hmph...this is probably a satire and has nothing to do with scrapbooking at all. Imagine my surprise when it turned out to be a website for Manila-based scrappers. Yoo-hoo. Finally, I didn't feel so alone in this passion.
I always get a high attending EBs, small crops, scrapmeets, scrapfests...The energy and the enthusiasm set off by other attendees are very contagious. I always come away feeling wired and inspired. Scrapmeet 3 was no exception.
I almost wasn't able to attend but for the generosity of a special person. I will have to admit the price of entry (P850) was quite steep for me. I have been out of work for quite a while. I was so happy other friends were attending, too, and I reminded them to come early so we can register to all the workshops which were limited to 20 persons each topic only. Good advise that I didn't quite take. I wasn't late. I arrived at 10:20 am. The sched said 10:30 am. But I was too late to sign up for the make-and-takes. In fact, I was #20 on the photo uploading workshop, the last one open. (A groan and a mental kick in the butt for not leaving the house earlier, I could have avoided the traffic.) Mabelle said we could sit in in any of the workshops sans kits and we couldn't ask questions. Those who were able to sign up get those privileges.
First activity of the day - shopping: Pressing Matters (really tempted by those Technique Tuesday stamps but way beyond my budget), SMILE (got to try the new Cuttlebug and the embossing templates - drool, drool, drool), Memory Box (which had all of their stuff onsale. I guess they're trying to unload their inventory since their shop in Robinson's Galleria has closed), Handcrafted Expressions (showcased Airees Rondain's creativity using local materials), A Perfect Creation (familiar faces since their store is walking distance from my house), Memory Lane (the ever enthusiastic Helen pushing me to buy this and that - I held on to my willpower) and last but not least, Lasting Impression (which always has good stuff so I didn't even dare peek.)
I distracted myself by looking at the entries to the various challenges - Valerie Salmon's sketch and scrap, 3bugs in a rug, K&Co., and Haribon. Good thing they announced the premiere of the movie "Scrapped" not long after. Watching a movie is safer for my wallet. BTW, attendees of the scrapmeet get an original copy of the DVD. The Kiddie Srap session for kids 6-12 years old was held simultaneously with the movie screening. I didn't finish the movie though as lunch called. (I could watch the DVD in the comfort of my home and the reluctant company of my DH later.) It was a heavy lunch but I was disappointed there was no siomai since Dragongate was touted to be one of the best places to get Chinese food in Manila. We couldn't even order it from the restaurant downstairs. Sigh.
After the scrap contest, it was sort of a free for all. The workshops were running late so some were held at the same time. Except for the make and takes, it didn't matter much anymore if you were able to sign up for all. You had to make a choice. I chose to attend May Chong's stamping demo over Din Cordero's photo uploading workshop. Hopefully, Din will upload his instructions in his column in myscrapworks. I missed Airees' craft demo though.
Huh! Last minute shopping! But I was very very good and didn't spend more than P300, inclusive of the fare going to the venue. Somebody hug me!
Congratulations to the organizers of Scrapmeet 3 for all your hard work in bringing us a well-organized event. If I may suggest though, that next time if there are few workshops and slots are limited, maybe you can have participants sign to 1 or 2 workshops only. That way, there would still be open workshops for those who arrive later. I know it pays to arrive early, but still, people have to get their money's worth. And please, next time, some siomai? LOL.
Friday, March 23, 2007
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Cabbie and Me
Thanks, Cabbie, I really really like it. And one of the nicest thing about this hobby is finding friends like you.
Monday, March 19, 2007
All About Friends
My friend Au said that there are scrappers who either have it, or don't. We both agree that Cabbie is one of those who have it. She is one prolific scrapper, making three to four LOs a week. It is always a joy to visit her blog and find new LOs have been uploaded. It is an even greater joy to see her in action. That is why I cherish our Friday crops so much. If only some of her talent would rub off to me, I would be one happy scrappin' gal.
But since that is not to be, I've got one better - a layout done for me by Cabbie. We were chatting away one day when she said that she's running out of photos to scrap. Not one to shy away from OPPORTUNITY, I immediately offered MY photos. I'm glad she took me seriously because I was only half-joking.
I know it took her less than a week to make this LO because she gave it to me last Friday.

Materials Used: I gave her 3 patterned papers by Anna Griffin and 7Gypsies, she added Daisy D's PPS and flower, Prima flowers, Mod buttons, alpha stickers, chipboard, acrylic paints, MM foam stamps. I am not sure about the quote box but it was quite apt. (Thank you, Cabbie, for so generously sharing your stuff, talent and time!)
Journaling Reads: "There is only one happiness in life: to love and be loved." - George Sand. My friends and I had high tea at the T Salon in Glorietta on June 22, 2002. These girls have been my roommates/dormmates/housemates, at one time and another, since college. We were steadfast friends then, and we continue to be close friends now. Although we don't see each other as often as we'd like (life has a way of happening and taking us to different places), I treasure this photo and our friendship. The T Salon may be gone, but our friendship is not.
The Process: The Cabbie Jane process - She's very good at mixing patterned papers and she makes it seem so easy. Me? I may have my colorwheel or my DH beside me, and it still isn't any easier.
And oh, by the way, I asked Au if she thought I have the it? Her answer was sort of middle of the road. Hey, Au! I thought you either had it or you don't?
But since that is not to be, I've got one better - a layout done for me by Cabbie. We were chatting away one day when she said that she's running out of photos to scrap. Not one to shy away from OPPORTUNITY, I immediately offered MY photos. I'm glad she took me seriously because I was only half-joking.
I know it took her less than a week to make this LO because she gave it to me last Friday.

Materials Used: I gave her 3 patterned papers by Anna Griffin and 7Gypsies, she added Daisy D's PPS and flower, Prima flowers, Mod buttons, alpha stickers, chipboard, acrylic paints, MM foam stamps. I am not sure about the quote box but it was quite apt. (Thank you, Cabbie, for so generously sharing your stuff, talent and time!)
Journaling Reads: "There is only one happiness in life: to love and be loved." - George Sand. My friends and I had high tea at the T Salon in Glorietta on June 22, 2002. These girls have been my roommates/dormmates/housemates, at one time and another, since college. We were steadfast friends then, and we continue to be close friends now. Although we don't see each other as often as we'd like (life has a way of happening and taking us to different places), I treasure this photo and our friendship. The T Salon may be gone, but our friendship is not.
The Process: The Cabbie Jane process - She's very good at mixing patterned papers and she makes it seem so easy. Me? I may have my colorwheel or my DH beside me, and it still isn't any easier.
And oh, by the way, I asked Au if she thought I have the it? Her answer was sort of middle of the road. Hey, Au! I thought you either had it or you don't?
Thursday, March 15, 2007
American Idol Conspiracy
Sanjaya Malakar is not one of the better singers in this season's American Idol. Yesterday's rendition of "Ain't No Mountain High Enough" was walang ka-dyugi-dyugi. It has no arrive (walang dating). But still tonight, he was declared safe, yet again.
Here's my theory: call center agents from India, the call center capital of the world, are using their international phone lines to call those 1-866 numbers and vote. Maybe hoping that Sanjaya will be the next Norah Jones?
Here's my theory: call center agents from India, the call center capital of the world, are using their international phone lines to call those 1-866 numbers and vote. Maybe hoping that Sanjaya will be the next Norah Jones?
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
I Scraplifted - Sue Me!
Since I started scrapbooking, some friends have been encouraging me to scraplift. They tell me, don't make it hard, find an LO that you like and scraplift it. They say since I am just learning I can use other scrappers' LOs as a guide. Learn their designs and techniques. And then as I grow more confident in my work, I can eventually spread my own artistic wings.
So today, after reading on the etiquettes of scraplifting, I finally decided to go for it.
I would like to thank Renee Camacho, for inspiring me with her Princess layout in the book Designing with Simplicity. I apologise in advance, my work is a poor copy of her wonderful work.
This is my first LO of my youngest daughter Kahlo, the feistiest of my three kids.
Title: YOU

Journaling reads: YOU are remarkably independent, funny, smart, sweet and sassy. Being the THIRD child, you feel you always have to prove that you are as grown-up as your Kuya Diego and Ate Sarah. YOU always assert yourself - sometimes to the point of annoying them...And us. But you are always loving and affectionate. You are adorable. I hope you continue to grow up to be YOU.
Materials Used: SEI Aunt Gerti's Garden PPS (thanks to Cabie for inspiring me to use my old stash), 3 Bugs in a Rug Inspire, Karen Foster stickers, Mod Designs Alphabets, Creative Imaginations Alphabets, Colorbox Ink, acrylic stamps, wooden butterfly, Prisma glitter.
The process: Once I committed to Renee Camacho and to my choice of papers, I cut and adhered everything. I wrote the journaling on the spot - something new for me since I usually have my thoughts organized way before I start on an LO. I inked the edges of the Canson tracing paper and adhered with Vellum Glue Dots. I cut the bottom with dull pinking scissors so the edge is not straight. I then stamped butterflies on the LO and at the last minute added the stickers YOU. That would've been the end of it but then DH came home and said that there was something lacking. I felt that, too. So I stamped on the white swirls. As you can see, I may have stamped on too much every which way.
I'm afraid I made a complete and utter mess. But when I showed it to Kahlo, she was very happy with it. Years from now, when she has an eye for design and she feels something is not right, I will remind her that long ago, she liked Mama's work.
So today, after reading on the etiquettes of scraplifting, I finally decided to go for it.
I would like to thank Renee Camacho, for inspiring me with her Princess layout in the book Designing with Simplicity. I apologise in advance, my work is a poor copy of her wonderful work.
This is my first LO of my youngest daughter Kahlo, the feistiest of my three kids.
Title: YOU

Journaling reads: YOU are remarkably independent, funny, smart, sweet and sassy. Being the THIRD child, you feel you always have to prove that you are as grown-up as your Kuya Diego and Ate Sarah. YOU always assert yourself - sometimes to the point of annoying them...And us. But you are always loving and affectionate. You are adorable. I hope you continue to grow up to be YOU.
Materials Used: SEI Aunt Gerti's Garden PPS (thanks to Cabie for inspiring me to use my old stash), 3 Bugs in a Rug Inspire, Karen Foster stickers, Mod Designs Alphabets, Creative Imaginations Alphabets, Colorbox Ink, acrylic stamps, wooden butterfly, Prisma glitter.
The process: Once I committed to Renee Camacho and to my choice of papers, I cut and adhered everything. I wrote the journaling on the spot - something new for me since I usually have my thoughts organized way before I start on an LO. I inked the edges of the Canson tracing paper and adhered with Vellum Glue Dots. I cut the bottom with dull pinking scissors so the edge is not straight. I then stamped butterflies on the LO and at the last minute added the stickers YOU. That would've been the end of it but then DH came home and said that there was something lacking. I felt that, too. So I stamped on the white swirls. As you can see, I may have stamped on too much every which way.
I'm afraid I made a complete and utter mess. But when I showed it to Kahlo, she was very happy with it. Years from now, when she has an eye for design and she feels something is not right, I will remind her that long ago, she liked Mama's work.
Friday, March 09, 2007
The Journaler's Handbook

The Journaler's Handbook by Tracy White comes in an attractive three-fold binder that contains an audio CD, the main book and a blank journal. Minus the time I spent analysing the included layouts, this book was a quick read.
The main handbook is not meant to be read through as more than half of it consists of journaling prompts. The questions go beyond the usual 5Ws and H (who, what, where, when, why and how) we were taught in Journalism 101. It is a handy reference to have on your scrap table, for those moments when you have writer's block. The prompts are arranged by theme - baby, child, teen, adult, everyday life, relationships, school, birthdays, travel, holidays, and heritage. So instead of spending the precious little time we have to scrap thinking of meaningful journaling we could quite easily turn to the page that suits our LO.
Those of us who are quite confident in our journaling may not immediately see the need for this book. But the book asks around 100 questions per theme, surely there is one question there that we haven't thought of asking ourselves? The answers could only make our writing more interesting. And if like me, you are scrapping photos from way back when, the memory triggers will help bring back information beyond that which is obvious from the photos. After each chapter, Tracy also gives suggestions on how to complete a page, like adding and collecting ephemera to support your journaling.
The CD is a 30-minute (or thereabouts) workshop/discussion on journaling that you can listen to while you are driving or scrapping. You can close your eyes (NOT - when you're driving, please) and pretend that you are attending Tracy's "Write from the Heart" class at Creating Keepsakes University.
The journal is like a slum book, with questions like what books do you like reading or what is your favorite food or drink? It's up to you whether you would want to use it, but the value, I think lies in the exercise and in plumbing your deepest thoughts from your mind.
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Last Song Syndrome
There's a song (okay, an entire CD) playing over and over in my head. Since the last mini-EB (Au's account here and Cabbie's here) when Nita, Au and I sort of fell into a discussion about Broadway musicals, I have been singing the whole Les Miserables soundtrack. Complete with theatrical gestures. Not a pretty sight nor sound, I tell you.
But that and all the reading I've done these past few days are pushing me to make a Broadway layout. Like Stacy Julian said, I do not have to wait until I make a New York album to scrap my memories of Broadway Street. And Tracy White has given me enough journaling prompts that this morning, between sleep and wakefulness, I thought of a journal entry while "On My Own" played in the deepest recesses of my mind.
So now, I am going to lift my butt from this computer chair, take those photos out of the box, and scrap. If you don't hear from me for awhile, that just means I'm busy scrapping.
But that and all the reading I've done these past few days are pushing me to make a Broadway layout. Like Stacy Julian said, I do not have to wait until I make a New York album to scrap my memories of Broadway Street. And Tracy White has given me enough journaling prompts that this morning, between sleep and wakefulness, I thought of a journal entry while "On My Own" played in the deepest recesses of my mind.
So now, I am going to lift my butt from this computer chair, take those photos out of the box, and scrap. If you don't hear from me for awhile, that just means I'm busy scrapping.
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Now Reading
I am now halfway through Creating Keepsakes' The Journaler's Handbook by Tracy White. I started reading it yesterday afternoon. So far, so good.
Monday, March 05, 2007
The BIG Picture - Part 2
I finished reading the book today. I plan to analyse and internalize each and every layout next. In the meantime, here are more Big Picture gems from Stacy Julian:
*Scrapbooking is not a science. It's a dynamic changing collection of your life's stories.
*Don't stress about letting pictures sit - it's okay, and maybe, even good.
*Things don't always have to be so straight. And it's okay to just cover up mistakes.
*Remember, the size, shape, and ultimate resting place of a scrapbook memory is less important than the fact that you did what felt right.
*SIMPLE SCRAPBOOKING is the permission you give yourself to scrapbook what's most important to you, when it's most important.
If you think I've shared all the secrets of the book for you, then you have another think coming. There are more things to learn from The Big Picture. I know that in the next few days, I will keep the book within reach so I can review it. This is one book I will always want to refer to as I grow in this hobby. (Hmmm...maybe I should get my own copy then. Hahaha.)
I like how the book just segues seamlessly into the heart of scrapbooking. Stacy Julian starts by sharing her layouts (and her life) and you begin to think, "Oh, yes, that's what's important." As I read the book, I find myself nodding and smiling and having what Oprah calls "A-ha!" moments. And Stacy is not even giving you a lecture. She just shares what works for her. And truly, it should work for every Ms. Scrapper who doesn't want the unnecessary work, stress, and expectations that sometimes comes with the territory. (Think comparing your work with others'.) But take a look at Stacy's work. They're really quite simple, not too many accoutrements, but they all tell the story. Which is what our scrapbooks should do. Tell our stories to our own.
There is one thing though that Stacy wrote that I disagree with. She wrote, "Scrapbooking is cheap therapy." Hmmm....not really. And especially not if you're from this part of the world.
Thanks, Nita, for trusting me with your precious copy. I can now see the big picture, and it's just wonderful.
*Scrapbooking is not a science. It's a dynamic changing collection of your life's stories.
*Don't stress about letting pictures sit - it's okay, and maybe, even good.
*Things don't always have to be so straight. And it's okay to just cover up mistakes.
*Remember, the size, shape, and ultimate resting place of a scrapbook memory is less important than the fact that you did what felt right.
*SIMPLE SCRAPBOOKING is the permission you give yourself to scrapbook what's most important to you, when it's most important.
If you think I've shared all the secrets of the book for you, then you have another think coming. There are more things to learn from The Big Picture. I know that in the next few days, I will keep the book within reach so I can review it. This is one book I will always want to refer to as I grow in this hobby. (Hmmm...maybe I should get my own copy then. Hahaha.)
I like how the book just segues seamlessly into the heart of scrapbooking. Stacy Julian starts by sharing her layouts (and her life) and you begin to think, "Oh, yes, that's what's important." As I read the book, I find myself nodding and smiling and having what Oprah calls "A-ha!" moments. And Stacy is not even giving you a lecture. She just shares what works for her. And truly, it should work for every Ms. Scrapper who doesn't want the unnecessary work, stress, and expectations that sometimes comes with the territory. (Think comparing your work with others'.) But take a look at Stacy's work. They're really quite simple, not too many accoutrements, but they all tell the story. Which is what our scrapbooks should do. Tell our stories to our own.
There is one thing though that Stacy wrote that I disagree with. She wrote, "Scrapbooking is cheap therapy." Hmmm....not really. And especially not if you're from this part of the world.

Sunday, March 04, 2007
The BIG Picture
I am now reading Simple Scrapbooks' The Big Picture by Tracy Julian. This was published in 2005, but the words still ring true now as they must have then. Only in page 50 and I am reminded that:
*Scrapbooking is about your most important memories, not about the many pictures.
*You create because you feel compelled to do so, not because you have a place for it to go. (Aha! I don't really have to worry about making theme albums.)
*Scrapbooking products don't have an expiration date. (I say, yeah! Who knows and cares that I bought most of my stuff in October 2004 and am only using them now?)
*Anytime you hear yourself say, "I wish I had..." look around and say, "What if I...?" (I see necessity is the mother of invention in scrapbooking, too.)
*You can change your approach anytime you need to. (Score! This is not SODOKU.)
*If a design works for you once, do it again. (So if my page 2 is the same as my page 15, it would only mean it's still as pretty as it was the first time. Hmmm...if a design works for others, scrap lift. Hehehe.) Also, you can scrap a photo more than once.
*This wonderful hobby needs to work for you - not the other way around. ( shouldn't even be called work.)
*Journaling doesn't always have to be "composed." Just write. (No more drafts and re-drafts. This is not a career in journalism. LOL.)
*You don't always need an obvious title for every page you create. (Alleluia for those times when I can't think of the perfect punchline!)
*If you love it, it ought to be part of your scrapbook. (Expect an LO about this book. Grin.)
*You can incorporate childhood photos into your current scrapbook to tell a story about you. (Those photos are coming out of their magnetic homes.)
*All our kids really need are the highlights, not all the pictures of events, etc. (Thank, God.)
And at this scrapbooking stage I am now in, these really make me stop and take stock:
"Remember, it's paper, pictures and glue - you can afford to experiment and discover and make mistakes."
Whew! That takes off a huge load called expectations from my shoulders.
"Everything changed the day I realized I have exactly enough time to scrapbook my most important memories."
I don't have to stress over my kids' baby pictures I haven't scrapped or that I added more to my "backlog" with last Saturday's party pictures. In fact, don't even say the word backlog or never being caught up. Who's putting me on a deadline anyway?
No rush, no hurry, just the pleasure of scrapbooking my life as it unfolds. I am so loving this book and I can't wait to read more.
*Scrapbooking is about your most important memories, not about the many pictures.
*You create because you feel compelled to do so, not because you have a place for it to go. (Aha! I don't really have to worry about making theme albums.)
*Scrapbooking products don't have an expiration date. (I say, yeah! Who knows and cares that I bought most of my stuff in October 2004 and am only using them now?)
*Anytime you hear yourself say, "I wish I had..." look around and say, "What if I...?" (I see necessity is the mother of invention in scrapbooking, too.)
*You can change your approach anytime you need to. (Score! This is not SODOKU.)
*If a design works for you once, do it again. (So if my page 2 is the same as my page 15, it would only mean it's still as pretty as it was the first time. Hmmm...if a design works for others, scrap lift. Hehehe.) Also, you can scrap a photo more than once.
*This wonderful hobby needs to work for you - not the other way around. ( shouldn't even be called work.)
*Journaling doesn't always have to be "composed." Just write. (No more drafts and re-drafts. This is not a career in journalism. LOL.)
*You don't always need an obvious title for every page you create. (Alleluia for those times when I can't think of the perfect punchline!)
*If you love it, it ought to be part of your scrapbook. (Expect an LO about this book. Grin.)
*You can incorporate childhood photos into your current scrapbook to tell a story about you. (Those photos are coming out of their magnetic homes.)
*All our kids really need are the highlights, not all the pictures of events, etc. (Thank, God.)
And at this scrapbooking stage I am now in, these really make me stop and take stock:
"Remember, it's paper, pictures and glue - you can afford to experiment and discover and make mistakes."
Whew! That takes off a huge load called expectations from my shoulders.
"Everything changed the day I realized I have exactly enough time to scrapbook my most important memories."
I don't have to stress over my kids' baby pictures I haven't scrapped or that I added more to my "backlog" with last Saturday's party pictures. In fact, don't even say the word backlog or never being caught up. Who's putting me on a deadline anyway?
No rush, no hurry, just the pleasure of scrapbooking my life as it unfolds. I am so loving this book and I can't wait to read more.
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