Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Spreading Good Cheer
Had some time to surf between our before-the-new-year general cleaning and planning our new year's eve dinner and found this: Rhonna Farrer is choosing one lucky winner to pick any 209 of her kits. Isn't that great? I'd settle for just one or two...but good luck to us. What a wonderful way to end this year and start the next.
May you all have a peaceful and prosperous 2009!
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Happy Holidays!

Friday, December 05, 2008
Culture Shock
Needless to say, MIL prevailed, and I had to bail out of the book launching. I hope they still give me a complementary copy of the book on Community-Based Natural Resource Management. Not your average person's reading material, but it is an important collection of research and studies on Philippine CBNRM.
It was quite a comedy of errors at first. I was given my cue cards and spiels, and at the last minute, the organizers changed the order of the program. Imagine me, standing there in the podium, working up the crowd to frenetic excitement (I was doing my best Pokwang impersonation) as I begin to introduce the first contestants, when I was cut short by the floor director, who said the judges had to be introduced first. Ugh! Talk about wrong timing. Only twenty minutes into the program and I was already wishing I was somewhere else.
But as the elementary students representing the different regions in Luzon performed, I paid rapt attention. I was, to say the least, awe-struck with the beauty and strength of their performances. The youth could perform with such spirit and verve. And only the very young cannot be self-conscious about being dyed dark brown, and being asked to wear afro wigs and g-strings.
I learned much about the beginnings of Vigan, the Christianization of Cagayan Valley, the simple life and culture of the Balugas (Aetas) of Tarlac (when I was a child, my siblings would scare me by saying the Balugas would come and put me in their bayong), the legend of Calamba - I never knew that the town derived its name from "kalan" and "banga" (clay stove and jar), the beginnings of Iriga City, the Cordillera Administrative Region's Romeo and Juliet in the legend of Gana-ac and Lupting, and last but not the least, the history of Pasig.
Next year, IOFA will be holding the Visayas and Mindanao phases of the competition in Cebu. I hope I get invited to emcee again. If not, I will volunteer, if I have to twist my MIL's arm about it.
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
November Recap
So the whole month of November is dedicated to the Twilight series and, of course, the movie. It's funny how Candy infected me with her enthusiasm for the books and I managed to infect other people, too. And what fun to discover that there are other scrappers out there who share the same interest and delight in the books. Although I'm sure less layouts were made because of this addiction. Hehehe.
Four required LOs for this month and thanks to the Kaya challenges by Marj, I was able to meet my quota - the final one a spread, to boot. And hopefully, the first of my annual family Christmas layouts. My goal for December is to have a Christmas album by December 25. Hmmm....that's 9 layouts to go and I am assuming double-pagers, so I pray I am up for this self-imposed challenge. Otherwise, I will hang my head in shame and just go back to reading Twilight. (Yup! Any excuse, right?)
We also went scrapping and eating in Cavite! I can't wait for the next crop party at Alby's place. I'm sure by then, her scrapping area is finished. Well, it was technically finished but she hasn't moved her things yet, because she was too enamored with Edward Cullen. Haha.
And then last November 29, we had much fun again at My Little Attic's mini-jam. As much as possible, I try not to miss any of Nette's crop events because she is always such a gracious host. The kits and food alone more than cover the minimal registration fee. And then there are the sales (I really had to hold on to my wallet) and the yummy raffle prizes. I wasn't as lucky this time, but I still went home with a prize. And besides, I enjoyed myself immensely with my tablemates, Alby, Bjay and Reggie, who after exchanging stories, I was surprised to learn is my kumare. We share an inaanak. Small world, isn't it?
We learned new techniques also - using alcohol inks (Yoyin demonstrated a different way of using them), glimmer mists (Donna showed us how to achieve that fine spray), and Cookie shared with us her acrylic hanging thingamajig. I am sorry, I don't know what it's called exactly, but you know Cookie. It was really a functional work of art.
Our kit included materials for a box which we decorated with masking using glimmer mists, a mini-album which I didn't finish because I made a mistake with pasting the paper. All the planes and trucks were upside down. It looked like they figured in a vehicular accident and turned turtle. I did finish one 8x8 acrylic layout, which sources told me was in the running but it didn't win. Knowing it was at least considered was a happy thing for me already cause I did it on the spot with little materials at hand.
Sharing it with you -
Materials Used:
Daisy D's rubons; Pink Paislee PPS; K & Co chipboards; Prima flowers; 7 Gypsies; Ranger alochol inks (which I dabbed behind the acrylic, making unconscious sound effects, according to Alby).
That's a photo I took of Sarah when I was learning photography at the Filipinas Heritage Library. It was voted as one of the best photos by th class. The same photo was later used in the FHL brochure. I think Sarah was around 2 years old at the time.

It's December! And so the countdown begins to heavy traffic both in the streets and in the malls, harried and hurried Christmas shopping...I hope we take time to reflect on the true meaning of this season: take lots of photos and scrap them! Wink.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
I Watched Twilight!
I think he knew that I would never let him hear the end of it, so he brought me to SM Marikina to catch the first show. It's been a long time since I watched a movie alone (I usually avoid doing that because as my friends in college would tell you, I seem to be a magnet for sex maniacs in movie houses. Of the many seats in the theater, they usually sit beside me). But I had waited too long to wait another day, so I risked it. Hehehe.
Since it was the first full show, the movie house was only half-full, mostly of giggling colegialas, so no danger there. I also didn't mind standing up for the Lupang Hinirang (it is required for theaters to play the national anthem in theaters before the FFS and LFS). But I really hate those self-serving MTVs showing politicos and celebrities singing the national anthem like they'd live and die for it. Oh, well, it's a movie theater, so one must be prepared for all the acting. Hmph.
So anyway, I missed having Candy's company. I had no one to exchange squeals with, but here's what I thought about the movie. I plan to watch it again because I must have over-analysed it too much the first time to really enjoy it. OK, I'll admit it, I really want to swoon over Edward Cullen again. Hahaha.
Funny moment in the ladies' wash room. Two teenagers talking, one said she didn't like the actor playing Jacob. The other replied, he's supposed to be a fox isn't it? Mwahahaha.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Scrap Saturday
We started out earlier from Manila this time to make the most of our visit to Cavite. Cookie, Donna, Nina and I had fun chatting en route to Alby's place. Near Island Cove, Bjay met us and we convoyed to Alby's house. Which was a good thing, cause our driver missed the turn to the subdivision. We were all too busy yakking in the car, I forgot to give the driver directions.
Of course, we had to admire Alby's newly refurbished kitchen, from where she cooked the wonderful dishes we had for lunch and merienda. Then we oohed and aahed over her new scrap area. I know we all turned green with envy as we looked at her new cabinets and tables. Every scrapper's dream must be an organized and inspiring space where she could just retreat and scrap.
I was quite productive that day. I finished my Kaya 19-3 LO. I'm glad Donna sat right beside me and with her magic fingers, she demonstrated to me how she rolled the edges of paper to create that realistic aged and distressed look. I had a bit of trouble with the journaling because of the photo I used which was taken back in 2000. The photo is too formal for me to emote about it much and it happened so long ago. In the end, I kept it simple.
Building a Memory...A young couple, a sweet boy and a cute little girl. Two children that can each be held and guided with our two hands. I am sure I thought this was the perfect family unit. Who knew that we'd have another wonderful addition barely two years later? But for now, let me savor this memory - one happy unit of four. Indeed, we are building one big happy FAMILY. 11/22/08 (Photo taken 2000)

Alby also challenged us to make ATC cards on the spot so we'd have something to swap with each other as a remembrance for the day. Nina shared with us her blank ATC cards (thanks, Nina) so all we had to do was be creative. And we surprised ourselves with these.
We ended the day past 7 pm. I know I arrived home at around 10, after I dropped the girls off. But I went home, gastronomically and creatively sated. I can't wait until the next scrapping day in Cavite. Here's a photo of us attacking Alby's penne puttanesca and bruschetta this time. Hehehe.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Layouts to Share
This is Sarah. Isn't she so pretty? Until now, my DDs absoultely refuse to wear make-up, even for recitals or programs. Well, I shouldn't be surprised. I don't often wear make-up either.
Pretty Face

This is your first crack at being a flower girl so I was very excited. It was Ate Erika's wedding in Tarlac. While you couldn't wait to put on the pretty gown, you absolutely refused to wear makeup and have your hair done with flowers. It was quite unexpected because you have always been a girly-girl. But still, nobody can deny your naturally pink lips, porcelain face, shiny hair and pretty eyes. You glowed as you walked down the aisle.
Materials Used:
PPS - My Mind's Eye, Making Memories; Ink - Clearsnap; Pen - Sakura; Foam stickers - All About Scrapbooking; Stickers - Pebbles, Inc.; Chipboards - Basic Grey; Thickers - American Crafts; Adhesive - Saunders, Glue Dots; Glitter - Martha Stewart; Ribbon - unknown; Tools - paper crimper.
Yes, I am still called Pinky my my family and high school friends (although I changed the spelling to Pinkee in HS, hehehe. Wala lang, para maiba daw.) My DH and KiDS don't call me Pinkee though as they only know me as Lee.

The story goes that when she was born, she was so pink, they called her - Pinky.
Materials Used:
CS - Bazill, The Paper Company; PPS - We 'R' Memory Keepers; Ink - Clearsnap (cotton and orchid); Ribbon - unknown; Alphabet - American Crafts Thickers; Flowers - Prima; Brads - Making Memories; Adhesive - Kokuyo, Saunders; Puncher - Fiskars.
This was my first time to use a lot of white space and while I like the final outcome, it took a lot of self control on my part.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Twilight Movie Trailers
This is the official movie trailer. Robert Pattinson (who played Cedric Diggory in Harry Potter) is so hot and is perfectly cast as Edward Cullen.
And lest you think I have no sense of humor about the subject, this spoof is downright hilarious.
Compare and contrast. LOL.
BTW, I finally got around to sharing my thoughts re Twilight here.
I Am...
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
You Know You're Addicted to Twilight When...
- you eat kilograms of candy a day so that it will make your blood smell sweeter
- you hyperventilate when you watch the movie trailer (for the thousandth time)
- you couldn't scrap until you finished ALL 4 books (attention, Marj)
- you pour glitter over your boyfriend/DH
- you convince your friends to read it too (if they haven't) so you they won't think you're crazy at the theater
- you read and re-read the books lest you miss something
- you saved Midnight Sun in your hard drive and can't wait for it to be published
- you downloaded the 40 minute free audio book in iTunes.
- you name your new Maltese puppy Jasper (I would've gone for Edward but I have a nephew with that name. It would've been confusing in the house.)
- you wish someone you know is a vampire
- you wish you were a vampire
- you have dreams about the books
A Normal Guy would say: “I think I am falling for you.”
Edward Cullen would say: “The Lion fell in Love with the Lamb”
A normal guy would pick a random song from a random artist and dedicate it to you.
Edward Cullen would sing you a song he wrote for you while playing the piano.
While you are both out for dinner, a normal guy wouldn’t keep his eyes off the sexy waitress.
Edward Cullen wouldn’t even notice the waitress was a female.
A normal guy, while driving, would keep one hand on the wheel and one hand on the radio. Edward Cullen, while driving, would keep one hand on the wheel and the other attached to yours.
A normal guy wouldn’t care or notice if you had nightmares.
Edward Cullen would sing until your nightmares went away.
“Do you want me to sing to you? I’ll sing all night if it will keep the bad dreams away.”
A normal guy buys you flowers and chocolates.
Edward Cullen buys you a car.
Sunday, November 09, 2008
Lessons from the Twilight Series
It was a good read. Not quite like Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles (majority of which I read, too) but interesting in its own way. When I'm not too busy, I will write a review in my other blog. Right now, let me just savor the books before I move on to the next read.
I am currently chewing on these meanderings:
1) Covens exist, except that in the human world, they are called cliques. And they can be as exclusive and secretive as vampire covens.
2) Bloodsucking leeches not only refers to vampires and the more common leech, they can also refer to humans who suck your emotions dry. (I'd say money, too, but I don't seem to have much of that nowadays... Emotions, I've got plenty of.)
3) People who look sinister may actually be good. And angelic-looking people may really be the epitome of evil. I should know. I've met one too many of them.
4) Dinuguan has never tasted so good.
5) Nothing like sharing good books with friends so you can discuss them together. (Thanks, Candy.) Hmmmm...anyone interested in forming a book club? The only requirements would be:
a) you are not a member of any clique/coven;
b) you do not exhibit any leech-like tendencies;
c) you are at least 90% good; and
d) you don't care what people eat as long as it's not you.
Candy and I have a date to watch the movie when it opens on November 21. It will be a kilig fest I'm sure. LOL.
Saturday, November 08, 2008
Tagged Twice
The Rules:
1. Link to the person who tagged you: Nina and Alby
2. Post the rules on your blog (this is what you are now reading).
3. List 6 random things about yourself.
4. Tag 6 people at the end of your post.
5. Let each person know they have been tagged and leave a comment on their blog.
6. Let the tagger know when your entry is up!
Here are six random things about me:
1) My DS is watching "Back to Bataan" (starring John Wayne and Anthony Quinn) right now, and I can't help but flinch over the dialogues. One of the pivotal characters in the movie is supposedly Andres Bonifacio's grandson, Andres Bonifacio. I had to wake DH up to ask him incredulously, "Bonifacio had a grandson???"
2) I am about to finish the last book in the Twilight Series. I started last Sunday. Yes, I am a fast reader if nothing distracts me.
3) Next on my to-read list is The Kite Runner. DH and I loved the movie version.
4) I bought walnuts and chocolate this afternoon as I plan to bake cookies and cupcakes this weekend.
5)I hope to scrap two layouts this weekend.
6) It is 1:47 am now and I really should go back to Breaking Dawn before dawn breaks. Har-har-har.
The six people I'm tagging are: Au, Cabbie, Nita, Sym, Liezl, Cosette.
Saturday, November 01, 2008
October Recap
I haven't scrapped much lately, specially since the KiDS are on their sem break. We've been spending most of our free time watching DVD movies, playing Scribbage, and baking. After more than a year, I finally used my oven again, making our favorite chocolate chip oatmeal cookies, brownies and revel bars. Nothing beats fresh from the oven cookies.
I also organized my pantry and I can't believe the number of cookbooks I have. Even if I don't really cook, I always love drooling over food photos and recipes. I have this undying hope that someday I will be able to whip up a gourmet meal like Julia Childs or Martha Stewart, without even breaking a sweat, vanilla-scented sweat at that. LOL.
In the scrapbooking front, the question burns - did I meet my 5 layout quota for the month?
Well, my layout for the Scrappin Moms Idol contest finale held last October 4, should count as one, right? And in between school meetings, visits to the hospital (too many family members and friends were ill this month), family time and planning for Halloween, I was able to come up with these.
I had to showcase the BG paper on this one. I love how it says "confused" right there. Just perfect for my grumpy little girl. Shhh...I promised her I won't share this LO in the internet. There's no telling what she'll do if she ever finds out, so beware.

I just remembered I used this same paper on another classic Sarah trait. She threw a tantrum over my sharing that layout, too.
Boy Eating Dinosaur
I was inspired by BG's Archaic line to scrap really old photos. These are of Diego at barely six months old. Wasn't he a cute bugger? My magazines tell me to scan the photos and print them out in different sizes so I can have a focal point, but that's just too expensive for me, money-wise and time-wise. I can't do that to all my photos which have been developed at 3x5. I have around 4 shoe boxes full of them.

My title was inspired by a weird act we once saw in a carnival. The sign outside the tent said boldly: Man Eating Chicken. We paid highly just to see a grubby man dressed in rags eating fried chicken. It's a good thing we got the joke, otherwise I would have demanded a refund.
In the Winx of an Eye
This here's my Kaya entry for October. You can check the details here.

Oh, dear, that's only four LOs, one LO short. But wait! I made my first ever gesso project.Would this do instead? " :-)

Diego dressed up as a zombie for their school's Halloween party. We weren't able to buy liquid latex to make the scars on his face so I used gesso, which I read in the internet, is liquid latex with chalk suspension. With some cotton balls, lots of gesso, and acrylic and face paints, I turned my son into one of the dead. All the while though I was trying to channel Bjay, an accomplished scrapbooker and face painter. My final product wasn't pretty, but who said the undead are? BTW, he won best costume in his class. So despite the setbacks, this mom is happy.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
The Scrappin' Moms Idol Experience
First: I would have to give it to the Scrappin' Moms. After the first Idol, hindi na sila nadala. LOL. Which, for the growth of the local scrapping community is actually a good thing. I hope that Pia was just joking when she kept repeating during the finals that Kookie is the second and last Idol. It's never easy to run or organize a contest, but for the Scrappin' Moms to do it at that scale, for that length of time, and with limited woman force, they deserve awards themselves. So Scrappin' Moms, thank you, congratulations and more power.
Second, pagkatapos ng sipsip (hehehe), I would have to say that my social experiment is a failure. Remember I posed the questions:
Why was the first Idol competition so intense? Was it because it was the first-time that such was conducted in the Philippines? Was it because it was my and many other participants' initial foray in the world of these challenges that last for weeks? Would I still be all hot and bothered as I meet every challenge? Or, having gone through it before, would I be quite blasé about it?
I simply cannot compare last year's Idol experience to this year's. The participants are different, with varying styles and approaches. Comparing this year's lot with last year's would be like comparing chalk and cheese. While there were many familar faces, there were also "newbies" who may be new at scrapbooking but who made us "oldies" go "how did she come up with that?"
The weekly challenges are also different from last year's. While I think last year was more material based, this year concentrated on design elements and principles. So that even if I had done this last year, every challenge was as new to me as to this year's first-timers. So I really cannot say this year was more difficult than last, or vice versa.
But, I can honestly say that I am less stressed this year than last. And no, it's not because I'm inured to the pain. It actually has nothing to do with the actual challenges and processes. My being offline (I didn't have steady internet access) worked to give me peace of mind. I wasn't chatting online with friends as to who did what or not. I really didn't have the opportunity to scrutinize every entry and thus compare myself unfavorably. I didn't haunt the forums waiting for clarifications. I just looked up the final instructions on Wednesdays, then worked on my layouts. No second-guessing.
It also helped that I went into this with the simple goal not to be eliminated until the 5th round at least. And in accepting that there is no embarassment in being eliminated early. I don't have to prove anything to anyone, and most importantly, to myself anymore. The time for that has past. So I wasn't striving to reinvent myself. I just scrapped photos I had, using materials I already had, and had fun. Well, as much fun as you can have trying to finish a decent LO the night before the deadline.
Third. I also learned my lesson from last year when I made it to the Finals also, but didn't prepare anything. We were given the themes beforehand and I just brought my photos and every possible tool to the event. No journaling, no sketch, no nothing. I assumed inspiration would come when I saw the papers. It doesn't work that way. With only three hours to scrap, you have to have a plan, and you have to make the materials given you, to fit that plan.
The funny thing is, I had a plan last October 4. And I almost didn't finish in the allotted time. I remember last year, my table mates and I avoided each others' eyes as we waited to see who would be brave enough to submit her LO first. Most of us had finished even before the organizers said "Time's up!" I blame this year's nick of time submission to the unexpected brownout. Well, at least it was easier to submit in the dark. Hehehe. I don't think anyone was more surprised than I was that I actually made it to the Top 5 (and that is my cue to post a photo in this word-intensive post.)

But this is the best reward - our Idol Post Trauma Party at Italliani's where we relieved every hardship, oopppss...every moment of the six week challenge.

Oh, wouldn't you have wanted to be a fly on the wall as we discussed all the juicy details about SM Idol 2 during dinner. Promise, I will share some with you later. If no one slaps me with a TRO first. Hahaha.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
My Scrappin' Moms Idol Challenge 2 Layouts
The following layouts are the result of seven weeks of stress, nervous breakdowns (ok, not really), lots of Magic Mushrooms and Cokes (my blood sugar really spiked), sleepless Wednesdays (yup, too close to the Thursday deadlines) and endless conversations with myself. Tee-hee.
Seven layouts for my albums, making a significant dent on my stack of to-scrap photos and stash. I swore I'd never buy anything new for the duration of the contest. Even for the required purchase during the finals, I was practical and just bought adhesive which I certainly can never have enough of.
Elimination Round - Using a Sketch (August 4 -13)
*Create a layout using the sketch by our Scrapbytes Resident Sketch Designer, Em Magpoc

And here's my take:

Sarah as Green Bird
Kahlo as Orange Butterfly
Children’s Production Workshop’s Mga Kwentong Asyano
Starring Diego as Ermitanyo
Parents called their performances riveting! Marvelous! Great acting, singing and dancing! Funny! Even the botched lines were hilarious!

After their presentations, the talented young actors said they were looking forward to doing this again next year. They enjoyed themselves immensely! What a wonderful way to spend a month (April 7 to May 3) in the summer of 2008. Final showcase – May 3, 2008.
*Create a pop up card and 3 other coordinating party-related item of your choice.
Midnight Masquerade
Week # 2 - A Color is a Color is a Color (August 22 - 28)
Design Concept: Color Theory & Harmony*Create a 12 x 12 layout using ONLY the colors in this given color combination: RED, ORANGE, VIOLET and GREEN and use five (5) photos of different sizes in your layouts. No two photos should be of the same size.
Who Will Be The Next Artist?

Week # 3 -A Day in the Life (August 29 - September 4)
Design Concept: Direction & Movement
- Create a 12x12 layout highlighting a day in your, or somebody else’s life
- A mixture of Colored & Black & White photos are required

Design Concept: Dimension and Layers
- Create a 12x12 layout focusing on you, your life and where you are now
- Use ONLY Cardstock and Patterned Papers
- You must create your own embellishments.
- Stamping is NOT allowed.
- To add dimension you may ONLY use the following: Diamond Glaze, Clear Embossing, Clear Crackle Medium, Paints (of any color), Glitter (of any color), Stickles (of any color)
- Colored inks may be used ONLY for distressing.
- Journaling must be visible in your layout. Your journaling should focus on you, your life and where you are now.
- There should be dimension and layers in your layout.

Week # 5 - Supersize It! (September 12 - 18)
Design Concept: Balance & Symmetry
- Photos for this challenge must at least be 6x8 inches or 48 sq. inches and should not be a collage
- Your title should have AT LEAST FIVE (5) WORDS

This photograph is well-composed. It has all the elements necessary to make a good photograph – a well-grounded subject, a clearly defined background which shows the modern architecture of the period. The main subject, a boy, sits at the crossroads of the old and the new. A well-paved plaza with a smooth granite bench is contrasted by the loose pebble bed that defines the space occupied by the father, with an over the shoulder cinematic composition view.
But these observations miss the point as I am commenting on the picture as a seasoned artist.
So let me narrate as a Dad about this lovely picture. The subject, my son, is well-composed, the product of an informal balance between his mother and I. He is grounded by the solid form of the father (that's me). The surrounding area, as a backdrop, is the product of my taking time out to bring the family to Serendra one fine Sunday. I view the horizon – looking towards what the future would bring to me and to Diego, whose disarming gaze paints the best picture a father can ever have for a vision. Picture perfect! (Papa - 9/17/08)Answer the Question: "Why Do I Deserve to be the Next Scrappin’ Moms Idol?"
- Use only a minimum of six (6) materials on your layout. You may repeat the same material as many times as you want.
- One of the elements must be repeated AT LEAST 6 times.
- Use only six (6) colors in your layout. You choose your own color scheme.

TEN REASONS Why I deserve to be the next Scrappin' Moms Idol
For world peace. Hell hath no fury like a scrapping mom scorned.
I am a firm believer of the First Commandment: Thou shalt not have false Idols before me.
I've done this two times already. Don't I deserve some pity points?
I repeated elements, I harmonized colors, I showed movement, I layered, I balanced, I jumped through hoops and still, here I am.
My very supportive husband begs you to pick me already so we can go back to our normal lives. (Or so he thinks.)
Because my layouts are full of heart, and even if they are not considered the most original or creative, in my loved ones' eyes, I am the Idol.
No matter what the judges decide, I am a winner for my creative outputs and skillful gain in the past six weeks.
All 27 of us who started this journey all deserve to be Idols for just taking on the challenge. We are all great scrapbookers in our own right. Some are just luckier than others.
Princess crown – P49.00; Photos/Ink – P704.00; Scrapbooking materials – P700.00++; The Idol experience – Priceless!
You don't really expect me to be doing this again next year, do you?
*In three hours, make an irregular shaped layout using the papers and materials given by the Scrappin' Moms.
If you pull that green button, the green strip will flip and show 8 more small pictures, including the journaling and required Christmas quote.
There are only two occasions in a year when you all have a surfeit of presents - your birthdays and Christmas day. You love Christmas the best because you get to open gifts all at the same time. On Christmas eve, it's a race to the tree to open your gifts. As usual, it's up to Mama to clean up the wrapping paper while your Papa plays with you and your new toys.
One of the most glorious messes in the world is the mess created in the living room on Christmas day. Don't clean it up too quickly."
- Andy Roony
Thank you very much for looking and bearing with me during those traumatic weeks. LOL.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Webster's Pages

I still remember the first time I used Webster's Pages in a layout, which quite unexpectedly won in a local contest and was subsequently featured in the Webster's Pages Summer 2008 catalog. The Parlor Collection was absolutely lovely, but this new collection, which you can get for free if you are lucky enough, is deliciously beautiful. I already know I'm going to scrap my KiDS' piano recitals with these beauties. I just have to hand it to the creative talents at Webster's Pages. They never disappoint.
Friday, October 10, 2008
I think my love for writing developed as an offshoot of my passion for reading. In high school, I wrote for our school newsletter "The Melting Pot", won in many essay competitions, including in the National Secondary Schools Press Conference, and was Features editor when I graduated. These contributed to my dream of becoming a writer, much to my father's consternation. My father wanted me to take up medicine to follow in his footsteps. I remember we had a huge argument when I sent in my UPCAT (University of the Philippines) application form with B.A. Journalism as my course of choice. But spoiled brat that I was, I ultimately prevailed.
But I didn't feel happy in the Institute of Mass Communications. I wasn't entirely sure I was meant to be a journalist. I wanted to be a writer and there is a huge difference. My favorite teacher Rene O. Villanueva told me that if I wanted to be a writer, I was in the wrong course. That was all the reason I needed to change course. That summer I decided to make my father happy and shift to pre-med. I entrusted my papers to a friend who was also shifting. By some strange twist of fate, she decided at the last minute to shift to B.S. Economics. She submitted my papers with hers and since I didn't want to incur my family's wrath by shifting again, I stayed there for the next three years. Writing about the effects of devaluation on the trade balanc and the balance of payments (that was my graduation thesis, but don't ask me what the effects are) instead of essays and stories. I consoled myself then that I can always write if I really wanted to write. I now know that writing is a vocation that needs to be nurtured and fed. You need to make room for it in your life.
I must thank the readers of this blog for giving me faith and confidence in my writing abilities. This blog has been my creative outlet, not only in scrapbooking but in writing as well. And thanks to Sheryl's KAYA challenge, 3 wishes, I took baby steps to making one of my dreams come true.
In February 2008, I wrote Good Housekeeping Philippines for an opportunity to write for their magazine. They immediately came back to me and requested an article for their Blessings column. I submitted my article ASAP and after months of waiting, my article was finally published in their September 2008 issue. I am now "published in a widely circulated local magazine." That's one wish down, two to go. Well, actually if I win in the Lotto, I wouldn't need to wish for an international fellowship. I will be a scholar of my own foundation. LOL.
I hope that this is the beginning of a life-long dream although I know that this time I will have to work at it. I have had some people tell me to let it go for their own selfish reasons. I'm glad that I never listened to any of them.
The title of the article will be familiar to many of you. I also created a layout about this last August and it was featured in Scrapbytes.

Funny, we bought that pink dollhouse when Diego was a toddler. No signs of the girls then yet. Diego had fun sleeping in that thing. We also used it as a shelf for his baby things.
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Catching Up (August and September Recaps)
But let me just post monthly recaps for August and September, just to have a sense of continuity.
August 2008
- I joined Scrappin' Moms Idol challenge yet again. I will upload separate posts for my layouts, my observations, and my conclusions. Remember I said in this post that I consider this a social experiment? :-)
- DH's laptop went bonkers in July, and he has been using mine. Given his "magic" touch, my laptop when haywire, too, losing profiles, passwords, and bookmarks. I was able to resolve that. But then we had some hardware problems. The mouse and keypads wouldn't respond to commands sometimes. We were never sure when the laptop would cooperate. That was my biggest challenge during the competition. I was always uncertain if I could retrieve my photos in the hard drive, much less, edit them in photoshop.
- I was featured in Scrapbytes' Designer Spolight for the July-August issue. I have to give it to Mia Castrillo. She really made me look good. :-) I am a fan of Mia's simple scrapbooks and keeping it real journaling so her writing about me is truly as an honor.
- Our Representative from my previous office (I don't want to write the whole name down because I know they search the internet daily for mention of the Foundation, and I dont want my personal blog being circulated in the offices). She attended the Ramon Magsaysay Awards and we had a sumptuous lunch together with DH and the KiDS at Spiral. We had alot of catching up to do since it's been two years since we last saw each other, but I was kinda distracted by the buffet. Can you blame me?
September 2008
- I volunteered to help out at the Venture for Fund Raising Congress, and was able to reconnect with former Foundation grantees. This really got me excited about working in the development sector again.
- During the first week, I lost my internet connection at home. My bad. I forgot to follow up with my DH's staff if he had paid the bills. The worst thing was finding out I didn't have internet as I tried to submit my LO to the Scrappinmoms. I had to bring my laptop to the Venture Congress (praying it would cooperate) and send it through Gateway Mall's freearaneta wi-fi. Whew!
- This month, I had a dream come true. Remember the Kaya 3 wishes challenge? One down, two to go. Speaking of Kaya, I missed the August-September challenges. Sigh. I've never missed a Kaya layout before.
- Middle of the month, my printer also went bonkers. And, you guessed it right. DH used it. Truly, this man was a walking technological disaster these past months. If you don't believe me, wait 'til I tell you about how he ran over his Sony cellphone/PDA. So I took to having my photos printed out in various photoshops, and uploading my entries in internet cafes, or in my brother-in-law's garage, or through his wife's computer....anywhere there is free w-fi. Hahaha.
- And yet despite such odds, I made it to the Top 10 finals of the Idol challenge. I still cannot believe it myself. Hehehe.
- Well, I was unable to join the Bad Girls challenge. I even asked Marj to enlist me. But because I wasn't able to go online and say present on the first day of class so I was automatically expelled. I so wanted to learn from the site, but, oh, well, maybe next year.
- I am not yet really back in business because DH still uses my laptop to finish up his term papers. We were temporarily able to solve the hardware problems by using the body of his laptop (his hard drive is still in the repair shop undergoing "archaeological excavation"). And because of that I still haven't had my internet reconnected. Sayang naman ang monthly fee kung di naman ma-maximize. :-(
On the one hand, I miss being connected to my friends and groups through the internet. On the other, I feel that I was able to spend more quality time with my family. My laptop used to be an extension of myself, but because of technological troubles, I was forced to be without it for months. It isn't so bad. There is life outside cyper-space. But, see you there again soon.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
I'm Still Alive!!!
I can't believe it's been more than a month since my last post, and that there's only 81 days before Christmas. So much has happened in the past weeks and I don't know where to begin. Right now, I am just so giddy that my laptop is cooperating and there's strong clear signal from the neighbors. Hahaha.
Another reason to be giddy (or not) is that I'm in the Top 10 of the Scrappin' Moms Idol contest. Man, you can't believe the stress I went through week after week just to be able to submit a layout. And I don't mean creating the LO, but wondering whether I would be able to submit it in time, if at all. My technological problems didn't stop at DH's busted laptop, it extended to mine, and then to the internet connection at home, and don't ask me about the cellphone which he conveniently ran over with his car. LOL.
The stories I can tell you...if my battery doesn't ran out soon. I'd plug my laptop in, but I am actually sitting in my MIL's porch. On a big rock. I can actually feel moisture seeping in my butt. OK, try to stop the imagery. Sorry about that. But when time is of the essence, editing flies out the window.
But anyway, I'd like to thank everyone who left messages here, in my mobile, e-mail. Yes, I'm still alive, thanks for checking if I was well. I haven't been able to check the PS e-group for weeks. I'm sure my inbox is full to the brim and Cookie tells me I missed some great sales. That's ok, it's not I have money to spend anyway. Hahaha. Did I mention I was giddy?
It's actually DH and my 11th wedding anniversary today. I'm thinking of making an LO called "Once." Or Once, the Spanish word for eleven. Could also mean the Filipino vernacular "onse" as in na-onse niya ako 11 years ago. (He tricked me eleven years ago.) LOL. DH is not yet here, he took over Napoleon Abueva's class in Fine Arts while Tito Billy is recuperating from his stroke. Now that is truly an honor, and he won't let me hear the end of it.
Last year I posted some behind the scenes stories about our weddings. (Yes, with an s.) I had fun reminiscing, you might want to join me in relieving the comedy...errr...the romance. Click here , here, and here. Even with such inauspicious beginnings, I can truthfully say we are still going strong. Thank, God.
My DH might not be overly sweet or publicly demonstrative but he has his moments. Last night, as I prepared to go to bed, he came in and said in a complaining voice. "Your laptop has a virus." I go, what? What did you do? I just updated the virus program. Nag...nag...nag...And then he tells me, "I don't know. An image popped out and it got stuck there." I stood up reluctantly. It is after all, my laptop and I have to do damage control, and I saw this.
Now isn't that sweet? We (the whole family) were in an internet cafe that night and he knew I was on tenterhooks waiting for the announcement to be posted. When we arrived back in his studio, he turned on the laptop and searched for this. Thank God for the neighbor's 24-hour free wi-fi, I was able to see this before I went to bed.
I was sad though that Diane didn't make it to the Top 10. She and Cookie have been very helpful in texting me daily updates about the challenges since I couldn't always go online. They were my lifelines and support through this challenge.
But everyone did a great job. So congratulations to the original 27 and good luck to all those who made it to the finals.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Happy 2nd Birthday Blog!
But still, two years and 216 posts later, readers still come read me. That is worth acknowledging. Even if I am in not in a celebratory mood right now, the current Idol challenge uppermost in my mind. Three days since it's been announced and all I still have is the germ of an idea brewing in my mind. I hope to get into the groove of things before the night is over. Either that or spend another sleepless night. LOL.
So once again, this is going to be short and sweet. Thank you, dear readers, for keeping me company all through these years.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Just Checking In
So before he comes back, let me thank everyone who's been visiting my blog loyally, even if I have no new posts. Thanks to those who take the time to leave comments. And am most specially grateful for the encouraging words of support for the Idol 2. By golly, have you seen the new challenge? I've only done two cards in my whole scrapping life and now am expected to make a POP UP card. And this is just Round 1. It boggles the mind. I'm almost afraid to think of what's in store for us next, assuming I make it through this round.
I've received tags and awards from a number of people. Rest assured, I will be returning the kind gesture very soon. Really. Thank you for your patience.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Ooooppsss...I Did It Again
As we lay in bed, I nudged him and asked again, " So, ano nga?" He gave an exasperated sigh and he burrowed deeper into his pillow as he muttered, "Bahala ka. Basta wag kang mag-re-reklamo."
As I courted sleep, I counted the many reasons why I shouldn't. The last time was very challenging indeed. And really very very stressful at times. And yes, I did complain to my DH about many things. Mostly, I was venting to put things in their proper perspective - that it was just a scrapbooking challenge. No biggie. But still, if not for the support and sense of humor of friends, it would've been really tough.
And then I counted the reasons why I should. I fell asleep trying to come up with one very good reason. LOL.
I woke up this morning with the conviction that I had to join. Why? Because, like Mt. Everest, it is there. I don't think I can just stand in the sidelines while a lot of things are happening around me. And it's not like I'm doing anything much in the next six weeks. I can certainly put a weekly layout in my calendar. Besides, it would be another learning experience.
Consider it a social experiment. Why was the first Idol competition so intense? Was it because it was the first-time that such was conducted in the Philippines? Was it because it was my and many other participants' initial foray in the world of these challenges that last for weeks? Would I still be all hot and bothered as I meet every challenge? Or, having gone through it before, would I be quite blasé about it?
Well, I wouldn't know unless I joined, right? So I hurriedly made my entry this morning. Almost wasn't able to upload it in time cause the Scrappinmoms site told me, after several attempts at inputting my password (major senior moment there), "You are currently banned from using this website." And then DH needed to borrow my laptop for a class presentation. This was around 2 pm, and I almost took those as signs. That this wasn't mean to be. But thanks to April, my layout is in for the elimination round.
One thing's for sure, this is going to be another challenging journey. Have you seen the layouts in the gallery? Many more talented scrapbookers out there just waiting to show the world their talents and creativity. now I'm rattled. Nonchalance be damned.
I'm in it again. Wish me luck! :-)
Friday, August 01, 2008
July Recap
Number of LOs created - Six. Plus one digital LO which was luckily picked in Kaya. See me doing a happy jig. :-)
Scrap Jam happened this month, and I had a lot of inspiration, got in touch with friends, both old and new, shopped for goodies and won a Squeeze.
I discovered e-bay, much to my husband's dismay. Nothing is more exciting than upping another bidder by a mere $.05. And nothing can describe what I felt when a lot of really cheap stamps slipped from my grasp because DH made me lose my concentration at the last crucial seconds.
I am not working again, so it's back to the regular routine of going to my in-laws' place to help out and wait for the KiDS to finish school.
And another bit of happy news...Candy lent me her copy of the Webster's Pages Summer 2008 catalog. Guess who's on page 26. Now that was a surprise because I thought our LOs that won in Lasting Impression's challenge will only be placed in their online gallery. Hopefully, they will respond to my e-mail requesting a copy of the catalog so I can return Candy's copy.
Wait...does this qualify as being "published"? LOL.
I hope I will be able to squeeze in some scrappy time in the next few weeks. August is a very busy time at my KiDS' school.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
The High Price of Gasoline
So we had a bright idea! Why not, since my in-laws have a house in Marikina, stay there during school days? That way, we save on gasoline, food, and grumpies. And we also give the oldies a bit of loving and caring.
But that means no scrapping for me, cause all my stuff are at home in QC. But since I have never missed a Kaya challenge, I am not about to miss Tin's now. Thank goodness, digital is acceptable.

Details at the Kaya challenge blog.
Friday, July 25, 2008
Lazy Honors Society
The KiDS' school does not have an honor roll, but Diego is among the top of his class, even if he is just happily coasting along. As a mother, I can't help but think about the possibilities if he only applied himself more seriously. But I guess, as long as he is happy and doing well in school, I should be content. At least I'm not being called to parent-teacher conference.

No doubt about it. You are an extremely intelligent boy. like to read everything except your text books. You enjoy Math but are sometimes too lazy to come up with the solution. You have a talent for writing but you purposely keep your sentences short so you can finish sooner.
When I told your father you take things too easy, he proudly told me you are just like him when he was a boy. Bright and intelligent but never in the honor roll. Lazy Honors Society he called it. In your case, Diego, can we have the honors without the lazy? Love, Mama. 7/23/08
P.S. You know you can do it.
Patterned paper, stickers and diecuts - Basic Grey; Chipaboard letters - Heidi Swapp; Paint - Ranger; Pen - American Crafts; Stamp - Clearsnap; Adhesive - Saunders, Zot, Others - Notebook paper.
I will have to make a confession. As a student, I never really pushed myself, too. And now I wonder about the possibilities, had I really applied myself. I guess I just don't want Diego have these "what-ifs" when he's grown. Well, not that it really matters in the grand scheme of things But you, don't you sometimes think back about things and wonder?
Thursday, July 24, 2008
The KiDS
I just played around with this one. I don't know why I printed out these particular photos but since they already exist, they should be scrapped. Nothing fancy here. Not much journaling either.

These here are the I**o kids, Diego (10), Sarah (8) and Kahlo (6). They are so smart, funny and loving. Just the perfect add-on to the I** family.
Quote on vellum:
Families are like fudge. Mostly sweet with a few nuts. - Unknown.
Behind each photo is a card where I asked each one to describe the other. For once, Diego got away with calling Kahlo weird. Mainly because I think she was quite happy with what Sarah had to say about her - "alive, alert, awake, enthusiastic." Hmmmm....I guess Kahlo doesn't know yet that came from a song. Or maybe she does, so she's not taking anything personally. LOL. I get a kick just thinking of them looking at this LO in the future.
Papers - Autumn Leaves; CS - Debbie Mumm, Paper Company; Quote - Colorbok; Pen - Inkssentials; Arrow - American Crafts; Buttons - UBL; Punchers - Fiskars, Stampin' Up, Marvy Uchida; Adhesive - UHU; Others - stapler, Cuttlebug.
OK, now back to regular programming. TFL!